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CSV Module
Functions for operating over CSV data.
csv:each-record FILE BLOCK
Opens the CSV file at FILE and calls BLOCK on each record. It is expected that this CSV file has a header which appears as the first row. This command will read and index the header, then start calling BLOCK from the row directly below the header.
BLOCK is called with the arguments |row header| where:
- row contains the fields of the current row as a list.
- header contains a hash mapping a header name to a field index.
The return value will be nil.
csv:each-record "winds.csv" { |row hdr|
set name $row.($hdr.name)
set bearing $row.($hdr.bearing)
echo "Wind $name has bearing $bearing"
csv:to-csv CONT [-header HEADER]
Produces a CSV using the items of CONT and writes it as a string. CONT must be a list of iterator of hashable elements.
If HEADER is defined, it must be a list of strings identifying the name and order of the hash keys to read from each hashable item of CONT. If HEADER is not defined, then the keys of the first consumed hashable item will be used, with the keys sorted in alphabetical order.